Shared Perspectives 2022
In a time of consistent financial precarity, nine student advocacy organizations across Canada have come together to release Shared Perspectives: A Joint Publication on the Changing Landscape of Student Financial Aid. This year's publication looks at how both provincial and federal governments can strengthen financial aid programs and frameworks to equitably distribute funding that targets students’ needs, especially following the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic
Shared Perspectives 4.0
After a year of unprecedented challenges due to the COVID-19 pandemic, ten student organizations across Canada have released Shared Perspectives: A Joint Publication on Supporting Students During and After COVID-19.
In order to best support the future of New Brunswick and continually allow a cohort of greatly educated, skilled, and diverse young adults to maximize their education and apply their talents to the province, we implore the government to strongly consider the recommendations presented in the New Brunswick Student Alliance’s (NBSA) pre-budget submission. Addressing the recommendations presented in this document are integral to improving the post-secondary education experience in New Brunswick.
As an organization that advocates for equitable, affordable, inclusive and accessible opportunities for all, the New Brunswick Student Alliance (NBSA) is disappointed to see how voters, especially young voters and voters with accessibility needs, were turned away from exercising their right to vote in the 2020 New Brunswick provincial general election.
The New Brunswick Student Alliance is calling on ElectionsNB to open an investigation into the matters presented in this document and take concrete action to ensure all voters in New Brunswick are able to cast their ballot.